Friday, January 17, 2020

Technical Program Committee at HPBD&IS 2020

I was selected as a member of Technical Program Committee at International Conference on High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems (HPBD&IS 2020). This conference provides a premier venue for the presentation and discussion of research in the design, development, deployment and evaluation of high performance computing, big data and artificial intelligence. HPBD&IS brings together academic researchers and industrial practitioners to share and exchange the latest developments in the area of HPBD&IS.

You can obtain more information about this conference via the link.

Editorial Board Member at International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub

I was selected as an Editorial Board Member at International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub that is published by RSP SCIENCE HUB. This journal is a reputable venue for publishing innovative ideas, state-of-the-art research results and fundamental advances on all subjects relevant to Advancements in Sciences. The objective of this journal is to afford an international platform for engineers, researchers and academicians all over the world to promote, share and discuss various innovations and progress in the field of science and technology. This journal aims to encourage deeper understanding and greater effectiveness in the theory analysis and engineering application relevant to advancements in science and Technology.

You can find more information about this journal via the link.

Certificate of the IEEE Continuing Education on December 25, 2019

My IEEE Continuing Education Certificate entitled, "Four Key Steps to Meeting Energy Efficiency Requirements" on December 25, 2019 was released by IEEE Educational Activities.

You can see more information about this certificate via the link.